chocolaterie ramsauer

Ramsauer Chocolate Factory


Jérémy Ramsauer, a true taste enthusiast, has been committed to delighting you with innovative textures and original flavours for over 15 years. Discover the most surprising combinations in their chocolate factory.

The space dedicated to chocolate and gourmet treats has been enhanced since June 2016 with the opening of their chocolate bar, where you can sample a new range of products, including breads, viennoiseries, pastries, macaroons, and take advantage of their catering service.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday07:30 - 18:30
Saturday08:00 - 17:00
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Location View mapSierre
La chocolaterie Jérémy Ramsauer
Av. Général Guisan 5
3960 Sierre
Contact +41 27 455 31 01
Accessibility Pro Infirmis
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