Recto-Verso - Nawell Madani 2024

Nawell Madani


In "Nawell tout court", the Belgian comedian promises us a good dose of laughter and frankness! After the remarkable success of her first one-woman show "C'est moi la plus belge", in which she recounts her journey as a young Belgian from Molenbeek who set out to conquer Paris, Nawell Madani has taken the time to develop a new show.

In this eagerly-awaited second one-woman show, Nawell promises to talk about everything. Between mental burdens, fame and the temptation of botox, the comedian returns more mature than ever! In an age when everything moves too fast, this jack-of-all-trades takes the time to share the ups and downs of her daily life with candour and wit. Her challenges. Her shortcomings. No more blah, blah, blah, Nawell takes the shortcuts.

Opening hours

Useful information

Full price CHF 55.00/60.00
Reduced rate AVS/AI CHF 50.-/55.-
Abobo and Cultural AG: booking by e-mail to
Running time 1h20

Location View mapGrône
Salle Recto-Verso
Rue des Maraissettes 28
3979 Grône
Contact + 41 27 458 10 24
Website(s) Instagram


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