Fondation Opale - Cher plastique 2024

Cher plastique


Since the 1950s, plastic has revolutionised the way we live. It is now part of our daily lives, with its good points and its bad, such as ocean pollution and its impact on health.

Shot in the form of a love-hate letter to plastic, this documentary examines our ambiguous relationship with this material, leading to the question: are we really ready to do without it?

‘Dear Plastic’ takes stock of the place plastic occupies in our lives. From its manufacture to its fragmentation, this film invites us to rethink our consumption in a world where more than 10 tonnes of plastic are produced every second...

Opening hours

Saturday17:00 - 18:00
Useful information

Running time: 52 minutes
Booking recommended: or 027 483 46 10
CHF 7.00 per person
In French

Location View mapLens
Fondation Opale
Route de Crans 1
1978 Lens
Contact +41 27 483 46 10
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