Olivier de Benoist

Olivier de Benoist


After consulting a psychiatrist, trying various relaxation methods and, in desperation, changing his life by moving to the countryside, he finally managed to put his finger on the cause of all his troubles: his wife and children.

Well aware that telling a child you've abandoned them is the best way to traumatise them for life, ODB decides to act like a responsible father and leave without telling them. And because he's far too altruistic and generous to keep the secret of happiness to himself, he's decided to share with his audience the thousand and one ways of going off to buy cigarettes without anyone noticing.
If you want to live happily, you have to live hidden away, but far away from your family.

Opening hours

Useful information

Full price CHF 50.00/55.00
Reduced rate AVS/AI 45.-/50.-
Abobo and Cultural AG: booking by email to
Running time 1h15

Location View mapGrône
Salle Recto-Verso
Rue des Maraissettes 28
3979 Grône
Contact + 41 27 458 10 24
Website(s) Facebook


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