
The pleasures of wine

Before tasting the wine, you need to follow the paths among the vines if you want to really understand something of this little corner of the country. It's land of tradition, whose soul takes time and patience to discover.

An intense moment in which to look closely at a vine and grasp its intimate relationships with its environment, or to be still and contemplate the landscape. A walk that becomes a quest for radiant beauty, for walls steeped in history, for meetings with real wine-growers who nurture the grapes that will produce good wine.

This wine of our homeland, this wine from Valais - it slips down the throat like a gorgeous nectar, making life itself taste more lovely. A path of life with celestial ambitions that Rainer Maria Rilke described so well: "A path that, like a scarf in the wind, in the clear space of this lovely land, winding through the vines, above the old towers and the hills, climbs toward the heavens".

When you know this very special terroir (even if yours is not the soul of a poet), you will finally appreciate life's pleasures, glass in hand. Cheers!

Guy Loye
In Vino Veritas - Marche des Cépages (vineyard walk)