
A History of Time

What if I took the time? Free time. Stepped aside, took a little break...
Histoires et témoignages 3

I'd let my childhood heart guide my adult feet.

I'd go and lose myself among the shady paths in the Pfyn forest, I'd listen, see, feel the natural world to be in exactly the right place and myself to be delightfully tiny. I'd stop to flutter my fingers in the tranquil waters of its pools. I'd watch the insects, the frogs, the birds, I'd listen to their calls, their songs, and the silence.

I'd go to the gardens at the Château Mercier, sit on a bench and gaze at the building and the town below. I'd remember how, when I was little, I used to sit on the bronze dogs by the fountain, how I used to shudder at the idea of entering the little grotto, and roam the paths as if they were secret and full of mysteries.

I'd go - definitely - to tell my children stories and show them these forever places, I'd go with them, go like them, to be filled with wonder, to run, and to laugh.

Katia Clavien
La Cerise sur le Gâteau