Fondation Opale - Plasto Lemano 2024

Plasto Lemano


With Récup'Artivisme, the Fondation Opale invites you to create one or more creations representing an animal that exists on or under the surface of Lake Geneva, or that you have imagined, using pieces of plastic and rubbish collected on the shores of the lake.

You'll go home with a printed photo of your creation.

A creative workshop led and supervised by Emilie Crittin, for all ages!

Opening hours

Sunday14:00 - 17:00
Useful information

Access to the workshop is possible at any time between 2pm and 5pm without booking.
CHF 10 per person

Location View mapLens
Fondation Opale
Route de Crans 1
1978 Lens
Contact +41 27 483 46 10
Social networks Facebook


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