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The villages

Several charming villages surround the town of Sierre. On the slopes, on the banks of the Rhône or in the vineyards, each has its own character and originality.




Salgesch is a small, southern, wine-growing village on the French-German language border of the Valais. Vines and wine are omnipresent in the life of the village, with more than 30 wine cellars for ~1,400 inhabitants.

As a natural extension of its assets, Salgesch is home to the ‘Nature & Paysage’ centre, dedicated to the activities of the Finges nature park of national importance, and part of the Wine Museum, two must-see attractions. 



Situated on the banks of the Rhône, at the foot of the Val d'Anniviers and at the end of the Navizence gorges, Chippis owes its fame to its famous aluminium factory. A small village of 1,540 inhabitants, Chippis also boasts an imposing church (St-Urbain), a bourgeois house and a covered market (Foulon).


Situated between Sierre and Noble-Contrée, Veyras is a land of inspiration and creativity. A small village with 1,700 inhabitants, Veyras has been and remains a favourite haunt of artists such as Rainer Maria Rilke, Charles-Clos Olsommer, Maurice Chappaz and Corinna Bille.

A land of inspiration, Veyras is ideally situated in the sunny Noble-Contrée vineyards.


The history of Venthône goes back more than a thousand years. It has many unique tourist attractions. A built-up area of national importance, Venthône has many buildings dating back to the Middle Ages, including the Tour de Venthône and the Château d'Anchettes. Discover them on a historical walk.
Ideally situated on the southern slopes, Venthône and its 1201 inhabitants enjoy panoramic views of the Valais Alps.



Ideal for hikers, Miège is the ideal starting point for shady walks along the Bisses and on the Planige plateau. A small wine-growing village overlooked by the Planige pine forest, Miège has a population of 1,290.

A starting point for many walks, Miège boasts a number of curiosities, including the parish church and its Way of the Cross.



Between the plain and the mountains, Grône and its hamlets (Loye, Erdesson and Itravers) are the gateway to the Vallon de Réchy. From the Pouta Fontana nature reserve through the Vallon de Réchy to the Ar du Tsan, Grône offers a wide range of activities for groups and many attractive walks, as well as a rich cultural offering via the Salle Recto-Verso.


Situated on an alluvial plain on the one hand, and on the first slopes of the mountain on the other, St-Léonard and its vineyards are in an area bathed in sunshine.
The underground lake at St-Léonard is a must-see, welcoming visitors from all over the world every year.


Nestling at an altitude of 1100 metres in the hollow of the Châtelard hill, overlooked by the statue of Christ the King, the village of Lens boasts a rich heritage. Visitors can discover a wealth of cultural attractions as they wander through the narrow streets of the old village.


The territory of Chalais stretches from the left edge of the Rhône plain (520 m.) to the extreme limit of the alpine meadow (La Brinta 2'659 m.) and includes the villages of Chalais, Réchy, the resort of Vercorin and the hamlet of Briey.

Rich in culture and history, Chalais was founded by the inhabitants of Vercorin who, for the sake of convenience, moved down to the plain to cultivate their vines.

Les villages de Crans-Montana (Chermignon, Montana, Mollens et Randogne)

Nestling on the Sierre hillside are the villages of Chermignon, Montana-Village, Randogne and Mollens, which form the historic heart of the municipality of Crans-Montana. With their picturesque centres and wide-open spaces between meadows and vineyards, these villages exude a gentle way of life, enhanced by the legendary friendliness of their inhabitants.