
Nature with a capital N

And yes, Nature with a capital N. She's so vast. Frontiers mean nothing to her, and a capital letter is the least she is due, given our intimate and age-old relationship with her.

Her generosity is boundless. She gives us everything. We drink good wines and delicious fruit juices. We eat superb local products. We can even clothe ourselves thanks to her. All over the world, we admire her for her oases of beauty, for landscapes that revitalise us - again and again.

She has something to delight everyone. Mountains that inspire bold climbers and casual strollers alike with their mesmerising beauty. A sunrise over the glacier at La Plaine Morte when time stands still and the heart fills with joy. A rainbow after a storm in the Pfyn forest. The colour of vines in autumn, along a bisse. A waterfall in bright sunlight.
It's Nature that gives us strength, revives our innermost being.

She offers us a simple happiness. It's up to us to seize it because, as the famous Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus said: "It is not the Nature that needs mankind, but mankind that needs Nature".

Marlène Galletti
Mountain Guide - herbalist